Williamson County Resident Skeptical of Looney Claim the SPLC Can ‘Hit it Straight Down the Middle’ with ‘White Privilege’ Training

Brentwood resident Frank Wegerson was unhappy reading about the reported white privilege “Cultural Competency” series Williamson County teachers are having to watch.

Wegerson said he was also worried about the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center holding a workshop in Franklin that county teachers will attend.

So Wegerson emailed Superintendent Mike Looney Wednesday morning – and, much to his surprise, he got an almost immediate response.

Only minutes after pressing the ‘send’ button, the Brentwood resident said Looney read the email and called to tell him that he wanted the conference to go “straight down the middle,” without “bias toward the left or right.”

Looney told Wegerson he doesn’t watch CNN or FOX News because he believes both networks push an agenda.

“He didn’t commit to anything,” Wegerson said of Looney.

“He simply said that he was going to look at it some more.”

Wegerson also sent Looney an article FOX News personality Tucker Carlson wrote warning people about the SPLC’s leftist politics.

“He [Looney] just thanked me for sending him the article and said he wanted to hit it down the middle, wanted to be straight, not going too far left or right and I thought, well, that’s interesting because he chose the most left organization. I didn’t say it to him, but that’s what I was thinking,” Wegerson said. (emphasis added)

Looney said nothing to Wegerson about having researched the SPLC, he said.

The Tennessee Star asked Wegerson if he thinks Looney will ever change his mind about the direction he’s taking the school system with the “Cultural Competency” series and its involvement with the SPLC.

“I wish. I don’t know,” Wegerson said.

“When I hung up with him, I got the feeling, he said to me, approximately 20 teachers or educators out of 600 or so in the Williamson County System had signed up for this May 2 and 3 event.  He hoped it would go over well.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].






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3 Thoughts to “Williamson County Resident Skeptical of Looney Claim the SPLC Can ‘Hit it Straight Down the Middle’ with ‘White Privilege’ Training”

  1. Mj LaGro

    What is more horrifying than this is how Looney treats teachers and principals when there is a problem. He can be one unprofessional power monger if you shake his boat in any way. He puts on a grand show for the public but there are many good teachers who have left on their own accord or been forced out by this man. He has zero to do with the high scores in the WSC system. I thought whennhe first came here he was a good person then I began to hear the horror stories and see firsthand how he really treated people. He is very liberal!

  2. SCGS

    SPLC is in and of themselves a hate group labeling people and creating mob mentality against those who disagree with their ideological agenda. This is horrifying for Williamson County.

  3. DoWhatsRight

    Great article Chris. Thanks.

    “White Privilege” is a terrible, evil, insidious and counter-productive idea that is designed to teach white kids that they should feel guilty about being white, and to teach non-white kids that whites are inherently racist and the cause of any problems they have. Can you imagine? There is NO way that is a good thing. And what good does it do to teach non-white kids that they should blame their problems on whites? If you think I’m making this up, read the article published by the National Education Association at http://www.nea.org/home/65432.htm
    If I had a kid in Williamson County schools I would be very angry. If Looney keeps allowing this it will cause big problems and it would be easy to think he has bad judgment.
    If “white privilege” was true in the way they say, Obama would have never been elected President.
